Here to help you solve your legal problems
Personalized Legal Services
A father of two young children, Christian understands how valuable time is for his clients as they joggle family, work and other priorities. It is for this reason that Christian believes that being responsive is key for a successful client-solicitor relationship.
Having advised individuals as well as small and large organizations, Christian understands legal issues from different perspectives. Whether you wish to start your own business with partners or need to negotiate a contract with a key client, Christian will be able to advise you by taking into account the various aspects that could impact your legal position.
A client-centred practitioner who values the relationship with the individual he is working for above all, Christian knows that to earn the trust of his clients he must care about them and be ready to go the extra mile to help them with their legal issues.
As a sole practitioner, Christian is specialized in only a few areas of law where he knows he can help his clients effectively.
Christian has donated hundreds of hours of his time to various community, charitable, and pro bono activities, including giving public legal education seminars and talks at community events.
Bachelor of Laws 1991 - University of Montreal
M.Sc. Urban & Regional Planning 1997 - University of Paris
MBA (With Distinction) 2013 - University of Durham, UK
Bar Admissions
Quebec Bar (inactive) - 1992
Law Society of Alberta - 2019
Professional Associations & Volunteering
Canadian Bar Association
Edmonton Community Legal Centre
Conseil de développement économique de l'Alberta (CDÉA)
Business Network International
Association des juristes d'expression française de l'Alberta
Scouts Canada
Contact us at info@prairieadvocate.ca or
(587) 879-6171
Christian Cormier carries on business as Prairie Advocate Law Office.
We provide business law, municipal law and litigation services in English and French.
Nous offrons également nos services en français.
© 2021 All Rights Reserved. Prairie Advocate Law Office
Legal Disclaimer
The information contained on this website is offered by Prairie Advocate Law Office for information purposes only and is not intended to provide legal advice of any kind. No solicitor-client relationship is established and internet subscribers or on-line readers should not act upon this information without first seeking legal advice.